
From BusinessCraft Wiki
Revision as of 07:47, 25 January 2024 by Ryan 88 (talk | contribs)
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OccupationWho knows
Years active2021–present
Known forFormer DOA Minister
Businesscraft Administrator

Tippychu is currently an Administrator in Businesscraft. Notably is always napping when big news breaks on BC.


Tippy started playing BusinessCraft on 6th December 2021 whilst trying to find a comfy server with friendly people to play with, not realising it was a political roleplay server until they had already met and befriended Kikochu, Mickichu and others.

Government Involvement

Early 2022 - Became unofficial DOA Minister when the current Minister resigned without warning.

May 21st 2022 - Was nominated and ran successfully for DOA Minister role.

July 4th 2022 - Was appointed toChief of Staff role.

September 12th 2022 - Was nominated successfully for DOA Minister role.

September 23rd 2022 - Was nominated for Deputy Prime Minister unsuccessfully.

October 21st 2022 - Resigned from DOA duties due to real life issues.

March 6th 2023 - Ran and became MoP for the 31st Parliament

July 9th 2023 - Was nominated and ran successfully for DOA Minister role

Staff History

May 22nd 2022 - Accepted for Helper position

June 7th 2022 - Promoted to Trial Moderator position, announcement made whilst Tippy napped

February 3rd 2023 - Passed Trial Moderator period to become full Moderator, announcement made whilst Tippy napped

July 20th 2023 - Promoted to Administrator position, announcement made whilst Tippy napped