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Tesco Inc. is one of the largest and longest-running companies on Business Craft. It started in June 2020 as a small shop on the bottom floor of the Central Market Mall, created by Pastel_Ghost (formerly known as Holly_Michelle). Initially, the shop sold farming and mining supplies, along with some limited stock items like Elytras and crate goods. Over the summer of 2020, Tesco gained popularity, moving to a higher spot in the Central Market Mall and opening its first major store, called “Big Tesco.” This store had five floors and offered the widest variety of products on the server. By the end of 2020, Tesco had become a key player in the Business Craft economy, acquiring additional buildings in the city. These included a store where players could sell any item and another with over 600 different products. Tesco earned the Business Craft Choice Award for Company of the Year that same year. Tesco expanded to other cities, opening locations in Ocean City, Lexford, Covington, Orico, Palm Bay, and even the unofficial City of Blackwater. Tesco has been present in every version of the government mall and recently moved to a new location close to City spawn, where it has its largest store yet. Tesco’s history has also involved some controversy. Since the beginning, the company has been stocked entirely by its CEO, which caused issues with past Exclusive Sales Laws. These laws required Tesco to hire employees just to comply, even though the company opposed such regulations. Despite these challenges, Tesco remains a strong presence on the server.

- Summarized by Pastel_Ghost

Last Updated 9/17/2024