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Company Owner: Fluffybaldie

Date Registered: October 4th, 2023

Company Discord:

Company History

Firefly was registered in October of 2023 and quickly rose to fame alongside it's sister company, Morning Wood, for being frequently stocked and having good prices in a time of economic instability. Firefly became on of BC's premier source of fireworks and was known as the go-to for party hosts and those celebrating special events.

The best-known firework of Firefly was the "gaywork" a rainbow burst explosion used at pride events and many other parties, but firefly carried a much larger variety.

In March of 2024, Firefly owner & proprietor fluffybaldie created an industrial claim application for firefly.


Name Position Duration of Employment Notes
fluffybaldie owner October 2023-August 2024
shorki_ Supplier & firework designer
SpicySpacer supplier