Constitution of the Republic of Stratham.

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The Constitution of the Republic of Stratham

Preamble: Power of the Constitution

We the citizens of the Republic of Stratham, in our aim to form a nation bound on justice and integrity, do hereby establish this constitution. To ensure the natural tranquility of our people's security, welfare and Liberty’s within law or governance, do henceforth establish this Constitution for the Republic of Stratham.

Separation of Staff and Government

The Staff Team and Government remain separated in responsibilities and powers. The Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch are the three branches of government. The Owner remains the only connection between the branches of government to the Staff Team.

Article 1. The Executive

Section 1.1 The Prime Minister

1.1(a) All executive power of the Republic of Stratham is hereby vested in the Prime Minister of the Republic of Stratham.

1.1(b) The Prime Minister is the head of State and Government and shall hold a term for 4 months alongside the Deputy Prime Minister.

1.1(c) The following requirements must be met to run for Prime Minister:

  1. Holding thirty-six (36) hours of active playtime by the start of the election cycle.
  2. Having a join date on the BusinessCraft server of more than four (4) weeks before the start of the election cycle.
  3. Holding a minimum of two (2) weeks of total playtime preceding the start of the election cycle.
  4. Holding no foreign office of any kind in a state recognized by the Republic of Stratham or otherwise.
  5. Must have a discord account and forums account linked to their in-game account.

1.1(d) A Prime Minister shall maintain 1 day of active playtime during the tenure of office.

1.1(e) It shall be the duty of the Prime Minister alongside their Executive Officers to ensure the laws are faithfully executed and enforced.

Section 1.2 Powers of the Prime Minister

1.2(a) The Prime Minister shall have the power to;

1.2(b) Issue orders directing authority of the Executive Branch

1.2(c) Issue pardons to individuals for criminal acts excluding impeachment, election fraud, treason, corruption, or any other crime against the state.

1.2(d) Give assent or veto to any legislation passed by the Parliament. If the Prime Minister fails to give assent or veto to legislation within 7 days after the bill was recieved from the Speaker, the bill will automatically be signed into law.

1.2(e) The Prime Minister may delegate their specific powers to the Deputy Prime Minister without being relieved of their powers.

1.2(f) May hold a single cabinet position in an official capacity.

1.2(g) May appoint Judicial Officers, Ministers, and other Executive Officers with the consent of Parliament unless otherwise provided by law.

1.2(h) May dismiss Ministers, the Attorney General, and all executive officers.

1.2(i) May propose legislation to the Parliament but shall not have the right to vote.

1.2(j) May sign treaties with foreign territories and nations provided the majority of the Parliament is in concurrence.

Section 1.3 The Deputy Prime Minister

1.3(a) The Deputy Prime Minister is the deputy head of the government and serves alongside the Prime Minister.

1.3(b) The following requirements must be met to run for Deputy Prime Minister:

  1. Holding twenty-four (24) hours of active playtime by the start of the election cycle.
  2. Having a join date on the BusinessCraft server of more than four (4) weeks before the start of the election cycle.
  3. Holding a minimum of two (2) weeks of total playtime preceding the start of the election cycle.
  4. Holding no foreign office of any kind in a state recognized by the Republic of Stratham or otherwise.
  5. Must have a discord account and forums account linked to their in-game account.

1.3(c) A Deputy Prime Minister must maintain 1 day of active playtime during the tenure of office.

1.3(d) May hold a single cabinet position in an official capacity.

Section 1.4 The Cabinet of Stratham

1.4(a) The Cabinet of the Republic of Stratham consists of the Ministers of the Executive Departments and the Deputy Prime Minister. Ministers are the head of their Executive Departments and serve at the pleasure of the Prime Minister. Ministers are subject to the direction, authority, and control of the Prime Minister. Ministers derive their power from the Prime Minister. When the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister holds a Ministerial position in an official capacity, they shall receive only a single vote in those matters.

1.4(b) Ministers have the authority to create, amend, and repeal Departmental policy. They shall have the power to appoint and dismiss employees of their Departments. They may create, amend, and remove positions within their department.

1.4(c) The Departments and their responsibilities are as follows;

1.4(d) Department of State (DoS);

  1. Management of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Conduction of Elections.
  3. Auditing Government Departments, Towns, and Cities, as well as any other government agency.
  4. Managing City and Town Relations.
  5. Managing Political Party and News Company Registrations.
  6. Conduction of Surveys and Polls to collect player feedback to assist with the State of the Government report.
  7. Conducting Election Debates.

1.4(e) Department of Economy (DoE);

  1. The management of all money appropriated to the government.
  2. Government Shops.
  3. Maintenance of Jobs and Exam Guides.
  4. Monetary policies.
  5. Enforcement of tax policies.

1.4(f) Department of Justice (DoJ);

  1. Maintaining Peace and Order.
  2. Enforcement of Criminal Laws.
  3. Providing a Security Detail to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.
  4. May provide a Security Detail to other Senior Government Officials if directed to do so by the Prime Minister.

1.4(g) Department of Public Affairs (DoPA);

  1. Hosting Events and assisting with other government events.
  2. Assisting with Server Social Media.
  3. Management of new player tours.

1.4(h) Department of Internal Development (DoID);

  1. Construction of Government Buildings, roads, and highways.
  2. Maintain the overall welfare of the wilderness.
  3. Managing the animal shelter and national food service.
  4. Managing animal cruelty reports.
  5. Creation and modification of plots that are within government jurisdiction.

1.3(i) Department of Health (DoH);

  1. Maintenance of the Government Hospital.
  2. Regulating the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry.
  3. Regulating medical professions.

1.4(j) The authority of departments stems from the executive power of the Prime Minister. The authority of departments is included in the section above but is not limited to what is specifically written. Parliament may exercise authority through legislation to delegate or retract additional authorities to departments.

Section 1.5 The Office of the Attorney General

1.5(a) The Office of the Attorney General shall hereby be established as an independent office of government under the executive branch. It shall be headed by an Attorney General who is subject to the direct authority and control of the Prime Minister.

1.5(b) The Attorney General shall be responsible for representing the national interests of the Republic of Stratham in all cases in which the government holds interest. The Attorney General shall provide legal counsel to the Cabinet when requested.

1.5(c) The Attorney General may delegate their powers to other individuals within the Office of the Attorney General.

1.5(d) The Attorney General may create, remove, and amend positions within the Office of the Attorney General as well as appoint and dismiss those within the positions at the Attorney General’s discretion.

1.5(e) The Office of the Attorney General shall possess the sole responsibility for the investigation and prosecution of all high crimes and misdemeanors committed against the Republic of Stratham in which the Department of Justice does not have the capacity or authority to investigate themselves.

1.5(f) The Attorney General shall be appointed by the Prime Minister with the consent of the majority of the Parliament.

1.5(g) The Attorney General shall be an individual holding the proper legal qualifications to practice law within the Republic of Stratham.

Section 1.6 Office of the Prime Minister

1.6(a) The Prime Minister has the authority to appoint civil servants to assist in the functioning and operation of the Government. They will be assigned to the Office of the Prime Minister and serve at the Prime Minister's pleasure.

1.6(b) The Chief of Staff who is tasked with overall management of the office of the Prime Minister and assisting the Prime Minister in any duty assigned to them.

1.6(c) The Press Secretary who is responsible for communicating the Prime Minister's work, decisions, and any necessary information with the rest of the public.

1.6(d) A Special Advisor for a designated area of expertise, who may assist the Prime Minister. Special advisors are limited to a max of two appointees.

1.6(e) Additional positions within the Office of the Prime Minister may be created, removed, or amended by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister may also delegate additional responsibilities.

Section 1.7 Acting Minister

1.7(a) The Prime Minister shall have the power to appoint an acting Minister of an Executive Department for no more than 14 days.

1.7(b) If a person serves as an Acting Minister of any Executive Department for more than 14 days within a month, they must receive a majority approval from the Parliament.

1.7(c) A person may only hold an Acting Minister position of a single Executive Department at a time.

1.7(d) Acting Ministers shall hold all powers of an official Minister.

1.7(e) The Prime Minister may hold a single Acting Ministerial position while simultaneously holding an official Ministerial position.

1.7(f) Ministers may appoint a Deputy Minister of their department who may assume duties should the Minister be unavailable.

1.7(g) Deputy Ministers may not serve as a Member of Parliament, Minister, Attorney General, Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, or Judicial Officer simultaneously.

Article 2. The Legislature

Section 2.1 Responsibilities

2.1(a) All legislative power is vested in the Parliament of the Republic of Stratham. The Parliament of Stratham shall consist of five Members of Parliament (MPs) who shall be elected for two months.

2.1(b) The Parliament of Stratham is responsible for legislation and scrutiny of the Executive Branch.

Section 2.2 Powers of the Parliament

2.2(a) The Parliament can create legislation amending the constitution, this requires a supermajority vote to pass.

2.2(b) The Parliament can create, amend, or remove bills.

2.2(c) The Parliament shall have the sole power of impeachment through a supermajority vote against a Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Executive Officer, or Judicial Officer.

2.2(d) The Parliament can confirm or reject nominations from the Prime Minister.

2.2(e) The Parliament can override an Executive Order by a supermajority vote.

2.2(f) The Parliament shall have the sole authority to levy taxes upon the people of Stratham.

2.2(g) The Parliament shall not engage in any legislative business without a quorum of at least a majority of members.

2.2(h) The Parliament can appropriate, approve, or deny government funds for use by the Executive Government.

2.2(i) The Parliament can override a Prime Ministerial Veto through a supermajority vote for normal legislation.

2.2(j) The Parliament can override a Prime Ministerial vote on constitutional amendments through a unanimous vote.

2.2(k) The Parliament can not create or remove cities.

2.2(l) The Parliament can not give themselves power or take away power from another branch of government.

2.2(m) The Parliament shall adopt standing orders for itself to provide governance for the legislature.

Section 2.3 The Speaker

2.3(a) The Parliament shall choose, from among its members, a Speaker of Parliament (SoP) who shall oversee the chamber of Parliament, maintain order and ensure professional conduct within Parliament, and serve as Parliament’s liaison with the Prime Minister.

2.3(b) The Speaker of Parliament shall be responsible for informing the Prime Minister of legislation that has passed the Parliament. The Speaker of Parliament shall be responsible for informing the public of passed laws and updating the Rules & Laws thread as well as the Constitution.

2.3(c) The Speaker of Parliament has the discretion to issue warning points to Members of Parliament for unparliamentary conduct or failing to fulfill their constitutional obligations.

2.3(d) If the Speaker of Parliament vacates their office, Parliament must elect a new Speaker of Parliament before any other Parliamentary business can proceed. The Department of State shall conduct an election for the Speaker of Parliament.

2.3(e) Any MP may submit a motion of no confidence against the Speaker of Parliament. Should the motion reach supermajority approval, the office of the Speaker will be vacated.

2.3(f) The Speaker may appoint a Deputy Speaker with the approval of Parliament to assist in any duties deemed necessary

Section 2.4 Members of Parliament

2.3(a) No person shall be eligible to run for Member of Parliament without meeting the following requirements:

  1. Holding a minimum of twelve hours (12) of active playtime by the start of the election cycle.
  2. Having a join date on the BusinessCraft server of more than four (4) weeks before the start of the election cycle.
  3. Holding a minimum of one (1) week total playtime.
  4. Holding no foreign office of any kind in a state recognized by the Republic of Stratham or otherwise.
  5. Must have a discord account and forums account linked to their in-game account.

2.3(b) Members of Parliament can not serve in the legislative branch while simultaneously holding an Executive Officer or Judicial Officer position.

Article 3. The Judiciary

Section 3.1 The Judiciary

3.1(a) All Judicial power shall be vested in a Supreme Court and Circuit Court.

3.1(b) The Judiciary is empowered to interpret the laws passed by the Parliament. Civil cases are when two private parties hold a dispute. Criminal cases are when the government and a private party have a dispute. Appeals are when one party of a case disputes the decision of the court to a higher court.

3.1(c) The Supreme Court is the highest court of the land.

3.1(d) The Judicial power shall extend to all cases under the laws of Stratham between citizens, government institutions, and all other parties.

Section 3.2 Judicial Officers

3.2(a) No person shall be appointed to the position of Justice or Judge without meeting the following requirements;

  1. Holding a minimum of 12 hours of active playtime.
  2. Holding a minimum of one week's total playtime.
  3. Having completed a minimum of 3 court cases under the laws of the Republic of Stratham.

3.2(b) Judicial Officers shall be appointed by the Prime Minister with consent from the majority of the Parliament.

3.2(c) Judicial Officers serve for life tenure and may be removed by the Parliament through a supermajority vote.

Section 3.3 Supreme Court

3.3(a) The Supreme Court shall consist of 3 members, including a Chief Justice.

3.3(b) The Court shall be composed of 2 Associate Justices and a Chief Justice making a total of three members.

3.3(c)The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over all constitutional cases, disputes between government institutions, and cases where an Executive Officer, Judicial Officer, or Member of Parliament is to be removed. The Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction over all cases.

3.3(d) The Supreme Court shall rule collectively by majority, when the Supreme Court opinion does not make a majority, the Chief Justice’s opinion shall prevail as the court’s opinion.

3.3(e) The Supreme Court shall have the power of Judicial Review in which the use of such power shall require a majority. The power of Judicial Review can strike any government decision deemed unconstitutional or unlawful.

3.3(f) Supreme Court Justices may act as Judges on inferior courts when deemed necessary.

3.3(g) The Supreme Court shall have the power to determine where a case is heard if the question of which court has the jurisdiction is unclear.

3.3(h) The Supreme Court can wield the power of lower courts.

3.3(i) The Supreme Court can issue orders that are Sua Sponte.

3.3(j) The Supreme Court is the court of disputed returns.

3.3(k) When the Supreme Court hears a case that an Executive Officer, Judicial Officer, Member of Parliament, or Speaker of Parliament is to be removed, they may not deliberate if there is a vacancy on the court. Nor can the court remove a person from those positions without unanimous agreement.

Section 3.4 Circuit Court

3.4(a) The Circuit Court shall consist of three Judges.

3.4(b) The Circuit Court shall have the original jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases which have a value of less than 5,000 krunas.

3.4(c) The Circuit Court shall have the authority to issue warrants to the government.

Section 3.5 Chief Justice

3.5(a) The Chief Justice is the chair of the Judiciary, responsible for maintaining and operating the functions of the Judiciary.

3.5(b) The Chief Justice shall sit as the presiding officer in the impeachment trial of the Prime Minister.

3.5(c) When the Office of the Chief Justice is vacant, the most senior Justice determined by length of tenure shall assume the Office of the Chief Justice in an acting capacity, until such a time that the position is filled with a permanent Chief Justice.

Article 4. Elections

Section 4.1 Eligibility to vote

4.1(a) No person shall vote in an election without meeting the following requirements:

  1. Having a join date of longer than 14 days at the time the results are counted.
  2. Having a minimum of 6 hours of playtime in the prior 30 days as seen in /bcseen at the time the results are counted.
  3. Having their Minecraft account linked to the BusinessCraft forums.

Section 4.2 Prime Ministerial Election

4.2(a) The election of the Prime Minister shall take place every 4 months and shall be held 12 days before the end of the incumbent Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister’s term.

4.2(b) It shall be the duty of the Department of State to carry out elections.

4.2(c) The following process is to be followed for Prime Ministerial Elections:

  1. The period for declaring candidacy shall last 48 hours.
  2. After the declaration period ends, the voting period shall begin and last 48 hours.
  3. The election results shall be announced no more than 24 hours after the voting period ends.
  4. The elected Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall be sworn in within 24 hours after the incumbent holder’s term ends. If unable to, the elected may be sworn in up to 10 days later at the latest. In which the incumbent government shall remain seated until said swearing.
  5. In the situation that a tie occurs between two or more candidates, the tied candidates shall be put on the ballots of a second poll for a run-off election and the candidate with the most votes after 48 hours shall be the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Elect. This process may be repeated as many times as necessary until a winner is declared.

4.2(d) The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall be elected on a joint ticket.

4.2(e) If the election for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister is uncontested, the candidates for the two positions shall be declared winner and become The Prime Minister Elect and Deputy Prime Minister Elect.

4.2(f) The term of the Prime Minister ends 4 months from when they’re sworn in. Any Prime Minister that assumes office of a term to which another person was elected, shall serve for the remainder of the term.

4.2(g) The term of the Deputy Prime Minister shall end simultaneously when the incumbent Prime Minister’s term ends.

Section 4.3 Parliamentary Elections

4.3(a) The Election of the Members of Parliament shall take place every 2 months and shall be held 6 days before the end of the Incumbent Parliament term.

4.3(b) It shall be the duty of the Department of State to carry out elections.

4.3(c) The following process is to be followed for Parliamentary Elections:

  1. The period for declaring candidacy shall last 48 hours.
  2. After the declaration period ends, the voting period shall begin and last 48 hours.
  3. The election results shall be announced no more than 24 hours after the voting period ends.
  4. The elected Members of Parliament shall be sworn in within 24 hours after the incumbent Members of Parliament term ends. If unable to, the elected may be sworn in up to 10 days later at the latest. In which the incumbent Parliament shall remain seated until said swearing.
  5. When a vacancy occurs in the Parliament of Stratham, a special election to choose a new Member of Parliament shall be held. This will be carried out by the Department of State upon the request of the Speaker no later than 24 hours after the official vacancy of the office. If there are multiple vacancies, a special election can be held to fill each seat concurrently with the candidates possessing the most votes being appointed to the vacancy/vacancies.
  6. Special Elections shall follow the same process as a general Parliamentary Election.
  7. Special Elections will not take place two weeks before a General Member of Parliament election unless a quorum is no longer present.
  8. All citizens may vote for only a maximum of five candidates in General Member of Parliament elections. In Special Elections, citizens may vote for the same number of candidates that are running, divided in half and rounded up. In a special election, should the number of vacancies and the number of candidates running match, or there are fewer candidates, the candidates shall win the election by default.
  9. In the situation that a tie occurs between two or more candidates that reach the threshold to win, the tied candidates shall be put on the ballots of a second poll for a run-off election and the candidate with the most votes after 48 hours shall be declared winner.

4.3(d) If five or fewer candidates are running in an election for Member of Parliament, the five or fewer candidates shall be automatically declared winners of the election, provided they meet the requirements to run.

4.3(e) The Parliament shall be elected to serve collectively for 2 months, at the end of the term the incumbent Parliament shall lose their position including ones that served for less than 2 months due to special elections.

Section 4.4 Campaigning

4.4(a) No person shall be able to run in an election for Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, or Member of Parliament without making a public campaign post before the start of the voting period. The Department of State may enforce requirements for the campaign post within reasonable expectations for candidacy. The Department of State must also make their requirements for campaigning publically available on the election declaration posts.

Article 5. Rights

Section 5.1 Privacy Rights

5.1(a) Players will have the right to privacy and to be free from unwarranted publicity. This right shall not apply to holders of public office or in any other position in which they are empowered with public trust.

5.1(b) Players will have the right unreasonable and unwarranted search and seizure of themselves and their properties unless in the case probable cause is proven beyond reasonable doubt.

Section 5.2 Property Rights

5.2(a) Players will have the right to defend their property up to and including lethal force, after warning the other players that they are trespassing.

5.2(b) Players who are leaving the server not due to a ban will have the right to distribute their property how they see fit in a will.

5.2(c) Players who are inactive will lose their rights to purchased properties and regions. Wild regions can be removed after a player does not log in for a minimum of 60 days. City properties may be evicted according to the city’s laws.

Section 5.3 Legal Rights

5.3(a) Players will have the right to a fair and speedy trial. If the judge presiding over the case has a conflict of interest, the player may request a new judge. If a player feels like a case was heard unfairly, they have the right to file for an appeal.

5.3(b) Players will also have protection from double jeopardy, meaning they may only be tried for a specific instance of a crime or action once.

5.3(c) All players shall have the right to a fair trial when accused of a crime unless otherwise provided by law in legislation by the Parliament.

5.3(d) No player shall be made a witness against themselves when accused of a crime.

5.3(e) Players will have the right to defend themselves with necessary force from an unprovoked attack.

Article 6. Impeachment and Recall of Members of Parliament

Section 6.1 Initiation of Impeachment

6.1(a) Executive Officers and Judicial Officers shall be removed from office upon impeachment and conviction, for treason, bribery, and other constitutional offenses against the Republic of Stratham.

6.1(b) The punishment for impeachment shall not have a fine or jail time. It may be no more than immediate removal from office as well as barring holding any position within the government of the Republic of Stratham for a period of no longer than four months.

6.1(c) Any party convicted through impeachment shall be liable to additional indictment, trial, and conviction in a court of law.

6.1(d) No person(s) partaking in any Impeachment trial shall be able to assume duties within the trial without taking an oath or affirmation before the trial.

6.1(e) The Chief Justice shall preside in the impeachment trial of the Prime Minister.

Section 6.2 Court of Impeachment

6.2(a) An Impeachment Tribunal shall be set forth as the Impeachment Court upon the passage of Articles of Impeachment.

6.2(b) The Tribunal shall consist of the Parliament and the accused.

6.2(c) The Speaker of Parliament shall preside in all impeachment trials, except that of the Prime Minister

6.2(d) The public shall hold the power to convict or acquit the accused, in the case of conviction, no less than 15 votes must be cast in the majority.

6.2(e) After the adjournment of the trial, the period of the public shall take place by order of the presiding officer, and the public vote shall be held to determine the verdict. The vote shall last 48 hours and it shall be the duty of the State Department to produce the poll.

6.2(f) After the poll has closed, the tribunal shall reconvene and the Chief Justice shall deliver the verdict based on the public’s decision.

Section 6.3 Recall of a Member of Parliament

6.3(a) Upon a petition signed by a minimum of five citizens to recall a Member of Parliament, the Department of State shall initiate a public vote that shall last 48 hours. The petition must reach at least five signatures within 48 hours, and it shall proceed to a vote immediately after the fifth signature. In the case of the public vote, a minimum of 15 votes is required to remove a Member of Parliament, and it must be in the majority.

6.3(b) A recalled Member of Parliament may not declare themselves a candidate in the next Special Election and General Election for a Member of Parliament.

Article 7. Government Continuity and Stability

Section 7.1 Incapacity

7.1(a) When the Prime Minister transmits to the Speaker of Parliament, their written notice that they will be unable to fulfill the duties of Prime Minister temporarily, the Deputy Prime Minister or any other person on the line of succession as necessary, shall assume office as Prime Minister in an acting capacity.

7.1(b) When the majority of Cabinet and the Deputy Prime Minister transmits to the Speaker of Parliament, that the Prime Minister is indisposed and incapable of fulfilling duties, the Deputy Prime Minister or any other officer on the line of succession as necessary, shall assume the office of Prime Minister in acting capacity.

7.1(c) When the Prime Minister then transmits to the Speaker of Parliament, their written notice that the inability to discharge their duties no longer exists, the Prime Minister shall then assume their powers back and the Deputy Prime Minister or any other officer of the line of succession shall no longer be Acting Prime Minister.

Section 7.2 Succession

7.2(a) Upon the removal or resignation of the Prime Minister, the following individuals shall succeed to assume the office of Prime Minister following the order below:

  1. Deputy Prime Minister
  2. Minister of State
  3. Minister of Economy
  4. Minister of Justice
  5. Minister of Public Affairs
  6. Minister of Internal Development
  7. Minister of Health

7.2(b) To succeed to the office of Prime Minister, officers of the line of succession must meet all requirements to serve as Prime Minister, there shall be a 24-hour grace period for officers of the line of succession to resign from their incumbent position if necessary to succeed to the office of Prime Minister.

Section 7.3 Government Stability

7.3(a) Requirements of holding a certain amount of active playtime may be exempt for Members of Parliament, Judicial Officers, or Executive Officers if sufficient amounts of work are proven to have been done through places outside of in-game. The exemption shall be auto-granted by law when an announcement outlining all amounts of work is submitted. An announcement must be made every week that the official fails to hold the active playtime requirements.

7.3(b) If there is a public announcement made by a Member of Parliament, Judicial Officer, or Executive Officer expressing their inability to execute their duties for certain periods, they shall not be removed by any body of government for the reason of failing to hold an active playtime requirement.

7.3(c) No person shall be eligible to serve in office as a Member of Parliament, Judicial Officer, or Executive Officer under the laws of the Republic of Stratham while seeking or serving in foreign office concurrently.

Section 7.4 Oaths of Affirmation and Office

7.4(a) The Oath of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister is as follows:

I “name of Prime Minister-elect or Deputy Prime Minister Elect”, do solemnly swear, that I will well and faithfully execute the duties of the office of Prime Minister/Deputy Prime Minister, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend, the constitution of the Republic of Stratham.

7.4(b) The Oath of Judicial Officers is as follows:

I “name of Judicial Officer”, do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without bias to persons, and do equal rights to all persons and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all duties incumbent upon me as “Position name” under the constitution of the Republic of Stratham.

7.4(c) Oath of Office for all other positions is as follows:

I “name”, do solemnly swear that I will serve the Constitution of the Republic of Stratham against all enemies, domestic, or foreign and that I will well and faithfully execute the duties of the office of which I am about to enter.

7.4(d) Oath for Impeachment trials is as follows:

I solemnly swear that I will do impartial justice in the impeachment trial of the “accused official” according to the constitution and laws of the Republic of Stratham.

7.4(e) No person shall hold any public office, under the laws of the Republic of Stratham without taking the appropriate oath if required by law.

7.4(f) The term "affirm" may be used interchangeably with "swear" while taking any oath.

Article 8. Terms and Definitions

Section 8.1 Terms and Definitions

8.1(a) Executive Officer - Any position within the Executive Branch that is high ranking, above a typical employee of the Executive Department. This includes but is not limited to the Cabinet positions, Prime Minister, and Deputy Prime Minister.

8.1(b) Judicial Officer - Any position within the Judicial Branch that holds power to sit on a court. This includes the Chief Justice, Justices, Judges, and Magistrate Judges.

8.1(c) Active playtime - Active playtime is the playtime you have accrued in the 30 days prior, this can be checked using the command "/bcseen".

8.1(d) Total playtime - This is the total playtime you have accrued since the day of joining, this can be checked using the command "/pt".

8.1(e) Officer of the Line of Succession - Any position holder that is defined by the constitution on the Line of Succession.

8.1(f) Senior Government Official - Any high office holder within the government of Stratham excluding employees of the various departments or offices of government.

8.1(g) Official Capacity - Official capacity is when a person holds office through virtue of an election or appointment process as defined under the constitution. Acting Capacity is not official capacity.

8.1(h) Pardon - An order issued by the Prime Minister issuing a form of clemency towards an individual for crimes. Pardons do not erase criminal acts, they imply guilt and offer forgiveness for those crimes.

8.1(i) Foreign Office - Any position of government ranking higher than a typical employee in any nation recognized or otherwise.

8.1(j) Majority - A number greater than half the total. In the case of Parliament, that is (3/5) votes.

8.1(k) Supermajority - A number that is half the total with an additional vote. In the case of Parliament, that is (4/5) votes.

8.1(l) Sua Sponte - An action taken by the Supreme Court that is on their behalf, and not by a suggested party in a case.

Article 9. Towns & Cities

Section 9.1 Towns & Cities

9.1(a) Town of Lexford, Ocean City, and Covington City are established as independent lands under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Stratham.

9.1(b) The Department of State will be the sole body to communicate, manage, and assist towns as well as cities.

9.1(c) Mayors of these towns will solely implement a functional regional council to operate the town/city

9.1(d) City and towns shall be privately owned regions that are officially recognized by the Republic of Stratham and are still within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Stratham.

Article 10. Constitutional Amendment Contest

Section 10.1 Public Referendum on Amendments

10.1(a) All Constitutional Amendments that are passed and signed into law by the Prime Minister may be contested by referendum.

10.1(b) Within 72 hours of the passage of a Constitutional Amendment, any citizen may file a referendum requesting a public vote on the referendum. Within 24 hours of the filing, a minimum of 4 other citizens must reply to it showing their approval of the referendum. After such, the Department of State will make a poll lasting 48 hours on the referendum.

10.1(c) The Referendum must receive at least 15 votes in the majority against the amendment for it to be struck.

10.1(d) Citizens must meet the same voting requirement for election to vote in a referendum.

Article 11. Ownership's Privilege

Section 11.1 Ownership's privilege

11.1(a) The Ownership of BusinessCraft serves as a bridge between the Administrative and Government affairs and organizes methods and channels of communication for special requests of government officials which include, but are not limited to, installation and modification of plugins, changes to server settings, and other such affairs deemed necessary for executing governmental plans and proposals.

11.1(b) The Ownership shall not get involved with the day-to-day operations and functioning of the government unless they’re in the relevant government position to do so.

11.1(c) The Ownership is vested with emergency powers that can be used to any extent to improve the Server/Government. This includes, but is not limited to, the ability to veto any decision by any given government branch with a necessary elaboration.

11.1(d) The Ownership is also vested with the emergency power to issue a Writ of Election to simultaneously trigger an election for any public office within this constitution.

The Constitution has been revised by poemhunter and Ryan_88