Paloragon Corporations

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Paloragon Corp., founded on June 20, 2022, was created to establish a Corporation that meets the needs of BusinessCraft Citizens, To include multiple avenues geared to brighten the community of BusinessCraft and a vison shared with a company called Voyager. While slowly growing and building up as a company Paloragon Corp. has built a total of 14 buildings on plots during its time, started an engineering shop, and a News shop.

Paloragon Corp. First grew on June 06, 2022, before it was even officially a company, acquiring the ownership of Voyager a company with the vision of providing affordable services to the community while also creating jobs and a steady flow of product, Unknown what to do with the Voyager CEO DoubbleKerius let the company, now subsidiary of Paloragon Corp., slowly go quiet and seemingly lost to time, however in August 2024 Voyager began selling merchandise in the building located at 31-seaview-dr!

On April 5th, 2024, Grew once more with creation of Paloragon News Network, a news network with the goal to bring news directly to you, while mostly avoiding political news for the time being.

While still a vastly growing corporation, Paloragon has had a total of 4 successful shops, and continues onward with its adventure currently CEO and Founder DoubblerKerius is dedicating less time to the Company due to ongoing government postions.

- Last updated 9/17/2024

- Kerius