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Farmer Basics

As a farmer your job is to harvest crops and animal products to sell to the Citizens of BusinessCraft! The best way to sell is with your own shop, but you can also sell directly to other players that wish to buy your goods. In addition, you can sell directly to the Government at the Farming shop, which is located in the Farming District. The Agriculture Department manage this and resell goods to the Citizens in the NFS (National Food Service) shop located near Spawn.

Calf Leather

Calf leather is an item that can be obtained by farmers by killing juvenile cows. There is a 5% chance of a juvenile cow dropping calf leather.

Resources for Farmers

To get started, you may do /Kit Farmer. This will aid you in starting out!

There is a second kit for farmers, /kit eggs, that comes with animal spawn eggs to help farmers with breeding livestock, it is illegal to sell these eggs, doing so will result in a fine of 150 Krunas, a warning, and the removal of your farmer job.

Setting up a Farm

The best option is to find a plot in the Farming District, which you can get to via bus. In front of the bus, there is a board and map of the district towards the left side, where you can see which plots are available and location of each plot.

These plots are rented every 30 days. Ranch plots can be bought with the same rules as suburb plots; If you are inactive for 1+ months you can be evicted.

An alternative is to go out into the wilderness to build your farm. Going far out into the wild, finding a good spot and having a Mod or Admin region it is the best option. If you have not regioned, your farm could be griefed. Regions cost 7 Krunas per block in the wild.

Animal Rights

On BusinessCraft, animals have rights:

  • You can not have over 300 mobs in total;
  • There is a limit of 20 tameable animals of the players choosing including horses, dogs, cats, and parrots with no more than 8 of each species. More than the specified amounts will lead to fines of K20 per mob over the limit along with said mobs being euthanized or put up for adoption.
  • Any animal farm in the wild, regioned or not, is not allowed to hold less than:
    • 8 blocks per polar bears, panda bears, camels
    • 3x4 blocks, 3 deep of water per dolphin
    • 2x2 blocks, 4 blocks height per frog
    • 2x2 land in addition to 2x2x2 water per turtle, axolotl
    • 4 blocks per cows, mooshrooms, sheep, pigs, foxes, horses/donkeys, llamas
    • 2 blocks per chickens, rabbits, wolves, cats/ocelots, allays, tadpole
    • 2 blocks horizontally and 3 blocks vertically per bee (also must have at least one flower per bee)
    • 6x6 blocks, 3 blocks height per sniffer