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This job received heavy changes over the years. At first, the job was like any other university job, u take the exam in-game and become a tour guide, the exam sign was situated inside of the old spawn building on the first floor, and tour guides were paid 20 Krunas every 15 minutes of active playtime. A pay increase to the job was announced by then-former Economy Minister _Info_ on November 22nd, 2020 which increased it from 20 to 25 Krunas every 15 minutes. Then, another change was laid out by then-former Public Affairs Minister ShadowLink17 on January 25th, 2021 where tour guides now earn 25 Krunas every 15 minutes in addition to 10 Krunas per tour completed and bonuses at the end of each week. And yet another change happened to the job by then former Public Affairs Minister Mickichu on January 11th, 2023 where the job is no longer taken in-game, but rather it's applied for under the department's sub-forum. The final change to a tour guide's pay unfolded on March 5th, 2023 when then-former Public Affairs Minister Mickichu made the call to pay tour guides 400 per full tour and 200 per small tour which led to an increase of tours completed by tour guides. However good things come to an end as the final change seems the removal of the job completely. The change was announced by then-former Public Affairs Minister Mickichu on June 2nd, 2023 where the job was merged with 'Event Planner' forming 'Community Coordinator' a new job that combines the tasks of both event planner and a tour guide, the change was based on the tour guides' feedback where a statement was released by Mickichu stating that "the job has very little responsibilities; With only being able to do tours, which do not come too often".