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BornApril 18th 2022

Former Positions

  • Landscaper
  • DoC Minister
  • Prime Minister
  • Speaker of Parliament
  • Ranger
  • Property Inspector
  • Member of Parliament
  • Constructor

Server History

DoubbleKerius joined the server April 18th, 2022, and quickly became a landscaper, making his first official report just one day later on the 19th. A few days later, he would apply for Ranger, on the 25th of April. He was accepted on the 30th of that month. In may, he would also apply for Property Inspector, and after some deliberation, he was accepted on Jun 4th, approximately 19 days later.

A few days later, he entered the legislative branch as a Member of Parliament. He declared his intent on June the 5th and was accepted with 17 votes, 34% of the voting population. He was selected as the Speaker of Parliament for this term. On the 13th of that same month, he applied for and was accepted as a Treasure for the DoE. Approximately a week later, DoubbleKerius registered Paloragon Architecture, the first of many in the Paloragon suite of products.

On the 27th of June, DoubbleKerius would apply for Constructor, and he would accepted approximately 2 months later on the 21st of August. Between that application and it's acceptance, he also applied for, but was not accepted for, the position of interim prime minister, on July 7th of 2022.

In September of 2022, DoubbleKerius redeclared for MP, but lost by approximately 4 votes, or 8% of the voting population at that time. During that term, he attempted to found the Paragon Party [PP] but failed due to the lack of support. Only one other player supported the founding of this party: Reppal. While he continued to remain an Active Ranger & Property Inspector, at some point between the 21st of August 2022 and the 9th of January 2023, he was removed from the role of constructor. On the 9th, he would apply again for that role. He was accepted on the 18th of January, 2023. That same January, he became DoC minister for the first time, resulting in a rather unique situation where he was able to accept his own application for Constructor. A few days later, he applied for Event Planner, and was accepted on the 2nd of February, 2023. He continued in the role of DoC minister until the unification of the DoC and DoA into the DoID.

On May 10th, DoubbleKerius would run, but fail to be elected in a parliamentary special election. A few months later, after the dissolution of the ministerial system, DoubbleKerius declared to become the Minister of the Department of Construction, and was elected. In April of 2024 he declared for Member of Parliament once again, and was elected and declared Speaker of Parliament. During this month, he also applied and was accepted for Paloragon News Network, a subsidy of Paloragon Corporation. Although he did declare for member of Parliament again in the June term, he was not elected, losing by 4 votes.

During this time period, he also became a somewhat active lawyer, participating in walkingpanda111 Vs The Department of Internal Development, poemhunter v Alienbloom20204, and DoubbleKerius VS BC Constitution. The final case in those three, DoubbleKerius vs. BC Constritution, would mark his exit from the legislative and executive side of the political scene for some time. He would continue his work as a constructor & avid political discussion participator until late July of 2024, when he announced his run for the Prime Ministership alongside pet_the_fish. After an extended campaign, teemed "DoubbleFish", involving lengthy books, in-game comissioned artworks, named cows being used to flood public areas, and extended advertising via in-game and political chats, DoubbleKerius won the election, by a single vote, against their strong competitor, poemhunter & 9402, or "9Hunter" and a weaker joke campaign, violetunknown & NetPex, or "VIX". Immediately following this election, heated debate ensued as to the professionalism and preparedness of the campaign, but in the end, the people of businesscraft spoke with their votes & DoubbleKerius continued to be the Prime Minister Elect of Businesscraft.