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Doctors are players hired by the Department of Health via the examination located in the hospital to treat players who become ill and administer check-ups if they don't know what illness they have.

Protocols & Procedure

The first command used when attending a patient is /attend, which notifies other doctors. Afterwards, a doctor may use /hospitals to warp to the hospital where the patient is located.

If a patient does not know what is wrong, Doctors should ask the following questions:

  1. What does your /health say?
  2. How hungry are you?
  3. What is your drunkenness level?

If neither a high drunkenness level, low hunger, or illness is discovered, the cause is likely a potion affect, which can be remedied with milk.

When patients are infected with viral diseases, they should be taken to the backrooms for treatment.

All doctors should check the penalized patients board before administering notification. If a patient is on the board, they must be charged an additional 10 krunas.

Doctor Commands

Command Usage Notes
/doh Accesses the private DoH chat
/attend Notifies other doctors when attending a patient and which patient is being attended
/hospitals Warps a Doctor to the hospital a patient is located at Only to be used for attending patients
/cure Opens a GUI listing the prices and recipes for various remedies
/disease list Lists all diseases present on the server Available to all players
/disease info {disease name} Gives info on a specific disease
/health Shows the health information of the player issuing the command Available to all players

How to Administer Cures

Cure How Administered Notes
Leg Splints Right click the patient while holding remedy. Can be purchased via the pharmacy & self-administered
Bandage Right click the patient while holding remedy Can be purchased via the pharmacy & self-administered
Warm Gel Hand patient the remedy and tell them to right click while looking at the sky Can be purchased via the pharmacy & self-administered
Potions Give to the patient and watch them drink it
Shears Right click the patient while holding the shears. Any player can administer shears, not just doctors

DoH Policies

  • Doctors can receive warnings within the department. Three or more warnings may result in immediate termination with ability to retake exam.
  • Doctors may only warp to hospitals to treat patients.
  • Doctors may only sell one treatment per patient per visit.
  • Doctors must charge the fee on the board to each patient. Free cures are not permitted.
  • Doctors must abide by all medical rules & laws.
  • Doctors may only use the stock room for medical reasons. Failure to comply with this policy may result in immediate termination.
  • Doctors must /attend any patient, even themselves, before warping to a hospital.
  • Patients must click on the sign in order to receive medical treatment.
  • Doctor's may only keep medical supplies in their position while in approved healthcare facilities. Failure to comply will result in warning and/or termination.
  • Doctors treating themselves may not warp to the hospital.
  • Doctors inactive for 2 weeks or longer will be terminated.
  • Doctors must charge penalized patient the 10 kr fee and notify patients of such before billing them.
  • Doctors may be punished, even if their actions do not explicitly contradict any policies listed here.