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Lumberjack is a job that can be obtained by passing an exam at the university. The Lumberjack job allows you to collect wood and all tree drops. The Lumberjack job was introduced on Oct 20th, 2019.


Lumberjack unlocks access to ‘/tg toggle’ allowing gravity to assist in chopping down trees faster and more efficiently with an axe. Lumberjack also grants access to mcMMO woodcutting abilities.

Tree Gravity enabled.

Tree Gravity

‘/tg toggle’ Toggles Tree Gravity. When Tree Gravity is enabled logs will be affected by gravity.


For more info do /woodcutting ?

  • Tree Feller, unlocked at level 50 Woodcutting allows you to instantly break a tree. To activate right-click while holding an axe.
  • Leaf Blower, unlocked at level 100 Woodcutting passively causes leaf blocks to break instantly when hit with an axe.