Landscaper Guide

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Revision as of 11:56, 8 October 2024 by DoubbleKerius (talk | contribs)
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Landscapers work to maintain the wilderness by fixing damaged areas, demolishing unclaimed structures, planting trees, and other methods. Landscapers are an important part of the Department of Internal Development’s mission to ensure a clean and green wilderness for current and future players alike.

Each time a Landscaper completes a project, they will post a report to this subforum, titled “Managed: x y z”, with ‘x y z’ being the respective coordinates of the report’s location on the map. After filling out the below format, the Landscaper will apply the Pending prefix to the thread, post it, and wait for the DoID Minister or a Senior DoID member to pay them a bonus.

Bonuses are based on a number of factors:

1) Amount of effort/time spent.

2) Amount of materials used.

3) How many people helped with the report (bonuses will be divided amongst the team).

Landscapers are allowed to work with other Landscapers or Environmental Managers on their reports.

Landscaper Report Format


Before & after photos:

Materials used:


Additional notes:

All department enforced laws are not to be broken by a landscaper, this including but not limited to:

1) Needless destruction of landscape.

2) Animal rights laws.

3) Permission abuse.

Every action made in terms of your position will be monitored by an Environmental Manager and/or Senior member of the department and be discussed to determine a punishment

[SPOILER="Next Steps"]

The DoID would like to welcome you and congratulate you on becoming a landscaper. Now that you're a landscaper, what's next?

For starters, join the DoID discord


Next, head over to the DoID building/shelter and familiarize yourself with the storage room and information book there.

Once you have done so, you can start landscaping! Check out the wild (/warp) or dynmap (/dynmap) to find places that may need a little fixing up.

Once you find a place, take note of the coordinates (/coords) and take a quick before picture

Now, you can terraform the area, make sure it looks natural!

Once you are done take some after pictures and head over to the forums


Post your report using the format above and set the prefix to pending.

-> You will be paid for your work by a DoID senior member.

Head back to the landscaper storage room to leave any extra materials.

Thank you for your hard work in making the wilderness a more welcoming place!